mandag 5. september 2011

On the Run

My Honda CB500 after many kilometers

So the first part of the journey is well finished. The ferry from Bergen took all night, so I arrived in Hirtshals at 7 in the Morning. The weather was warm and good both Saturday and Sunday, so the driving was good, even if Autobahn is spectacularly boring. My little fellow drove nicely, as usual, so I came here to Bernstein already at 13.30 an Sunday, and got a fabulous dinner from Grandma.

Now I’m on the hunt after internet, to tell you that I’m alright, and to buy a car=). I hope to have good news about that on the next post. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gleder meg til å høre hvilken bil det blir.

  2. Lukke vil med biljakta. Eg gleder meg til å høyre kva bil det vert.
