04.12.2011 Aswan
Still Aswan. This week has been a low on this journey, and the ending made it a disaster. There really is not much to tell you today. I have spent the 5 days since the last time mainly indoor, sleeping, reading, wasting time on my laptop and playing the guitar. The reason is that I have been sick. I got a flue on Thursday that kept me in bed most of Friday and parts of Saturday. Today was better. I still have an aching head and a running nose.
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Sunset over the nile |
What makes me very sad and upset is that my possibilities to be leaving Aswan tomorrow are shrinking small. On Saturday when I called Mr. Sahleh he said that I had got the one spot for a car on the barge. This was confirmed this morning when I went to his office. He explained what paperwork that should be done, and then I should drive to the harbor (15 km. out of town) and load the car onto the barge. When I asked about payment he said no problem, we would do it tomorrow.
After ca. 2 hours the paperwork was done, and we headed for the docks. Still in town, I said to the man with me that I did not bring the money for the ticket, and he said that it would be ok. We would just enter the docks, do some more paperwork, and I’d load the car tomorrow. After waiting half an hour at the gate we got the information that I could not enter the dock without a ticket (for the car), and I was forced to drive back to town to get to an ATM.
When we got back to the Harbor almost an hour later, another car entered the area so that I could still se its rear lights, and took my space. After a rather tense “conversation” with the guards I had to go back to town. There was no one there with authority to do much.
Tomorrow I will go back to the harbor. Mr. Sahleh will be there, and I hope some miracle happens, but I have experienced the Egyptian way, and if they have loaded the barge with the other car (that was behind me in the queue), they won’t likely start unloading again, even if it does not leave before 4 pm.
Oh, and yes. I called Mr.Sahleh when I was in trouble on the docks. This was at 1.30 pm, but he said he was at home and would not do anything, and when I asked him to PLEASE do something, he screamed that he was at home, and hanged up. Oh man, I think I’m angry. Good that I could talk to Andreas as soon as I got home, and he could calm me down.
For me Christmas is at stake if I don’t get a spot this week, and I so want to get “home” to Addis now. Sophie, Mparany and the kids will come there on the 17th, and Alma has holidays the same day, and I presumably sit in Aswan or Khartoum scratching my beard.
Keep your fingers crossed and I will give you news as soon as possible.
Aj aj aj aj aj
SvarSlettMe ska be!! Hilsen naboejentene dine!
SvarSlettRoger: ja!
SvarSlettTarja og Maja: Takk. Dere er snille nabojenter=)