Wombosi in the Alps |
Now I’m sitting in lovely Bled in Slovenia. My trip so far has been good when it comes to roads and landscape. I love the Alps, and have found some really wonderful roads. The Weather in contrary has not been too good. Friday and Saturday were ok, but Sunday and Monday have been two of the most rainy days I’ve seen. Before I left, I checked the Weather for Bled on yr.no, and it said 82 mm rain for Monday, so I thought I’d rather use longer time in Italy, but where I was in Italy, it rained at least 82 mm that Monday.
Even with the weather my trip has been good so far. Friday was a long and hectic day, that started with a minor accident in the morning, something that ruined my mood and conscience for some hours, but I reach my appointment in Munich anyway, and things went smoothly.
The vastness seen from above the Hochtor |
Saturday was really amazing; I tried Austrias finest mountain-road, the Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße. The fee of 29 Euro was rather steep, but so was the mountain and the view was stunning. The Edelweißspitze (2572m.) was regrettably in a cloud, but I hiked to the top above the Hochtor(2505m.), and experienced amazing freedom and vastness. It didn’t matter that it started to rain and hail while I was on the top. That evening I had a beautiful sleeping-place. It was still in the national-park, and surely not legal, but no one cared.
What a place to sleep! |
The next Morning, the fog was so dense that I couldn’t see a single mountain. The last three days I have worn terminal underwear, but now it is warm again. The rainy days sent me through some of the most beautiful nature I have not seen… I must get back some time when the sun is shining. The Plöckenpass was great, so was the Stella Nevea. The Julian Alps of Slovenia are also great, and my sleeping place yesterday, in the mountain above Bovec, was yet again fantastic. In the evening the rain stopped, the sun came out; I made a small fire with the wet wood I found in the forest, made some meat and potatoes, and was almost dry and warm.
And make soup.. |
Today has been great. The Vrsic-Pass has almost as great as the guidebook had said, with 50 hair-pin bends in 24 km and Bled, in the evening light, is beautiful, even if it still is rather full of tourists.
Wombosi is doing fine in the rain |
As you understand I have been mainly on my own with nature so far, but is has been good. Wombosi has been a good boy. He makes some creepy noises from the alternator, but it is nothing to worry about. I guess I’ll be a little more social when I get to the coast. I have spent a lot of time reading, the Bible, guidebooks and Memed I, a great novel that plays in turkey. I look forward to get there. Probably I could climb the AliDag.
Yet another stunning view to fall asleep to |
The Julian Alps |
Bled |
Mahafinaritra ny Alps, tsara ny vue ao, misaotra betsaka amin fizarana izany vue tsara izany aminay, mampatsiarotsiaro ny dia moto tamin'izay. Mirary soa ary antenaina fa hiatsara kokoa ny andro, sady ahazo fafinaretana amin'ny dia ianao. Manaraka ny vaovao momba anao isan'andro izahay.
SvarSlettHans! Krasja du i ein austeuropear?!
SvarSlettKoz frå rog og jørg i Marokko.
Skunda deg til Marokko! Eg og Roger blir her nokre dagar til. Fint vêr her.
SvarSlettLieber Hans,
SvarSlettnun nach meiner Knie-OP, ans Sofa "gefesselt", kann ich mir in Deinem Blog die schöne Welt wenigstens zu mir ins Zimmer holen.
Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für Deine weitere Reise, viele interessante Begegnungen, schönes Wetter, Gesundheit .... und Gottes Segen.
Viele liebe Grüße von Marion
MP: Nahatsiaro ny diantsika koa za rhfa t@ alp. Mlay iny. Enga anie ho tanteraka Afric du Sud, de milay koa iny.
SvarSlettRoger: Var nok en tysker i en flott BMW du=)
Haaland: Sorry, Lybia er for utrygt enda.
Marion: Vielen dank Marion. Ich hoffe dass die OP gut gegangen ist. Ich habe an dich gedacht.
Liebe Grüße