Castello di Miamare |
Another week has passed since I was in Bled, and wrote to you the last time. It’s been a good week, full of exiting places and people. I’d say probably even a little bit too many attractions. I feel that I’m running from one thing to the next, without really taking my time. There are always so many things left undone everywhere I am. I take a glance at the highlights, shoot some pictures, and wrooom, I’m off again.
Trogir |
Enough about that. I’m having a good time, the sun is shining, I am healthy and have enough to eat=). From Bled I went via Italy (Castello di Miamare) back to Svlovenia and to Croatia. In Croatia I have now spent 4 days. I have visited Zadar, Trogir, Spit and Korcula. Highlights have been Castello di Miamare, Trogir and Spit.
Split by night |
Trogir is a wonderful little town, with narrow streets, old Venetian buildings and of course the Adriatic-Sea. Trogir’s old-town is full of tourist, like any other Croatian old-town, but the beauty of the place does up for it. Split in the contrary is a large town, Croatias second largest, but it’s very lively, and also has a stunning old town. One of the beautiful things about Split is how it manages to be a town for tourists, but still lives its own life. In the old-town, just outside Diocletian’s palace, there’s a lively market, where people sell bread and pastries, fruits and vegetables. Among these sellers, very much used by the locals, you find other sellers who sell typical souvenirs like postcards t-shirts and the like. There, the locals and the tourists blend, without getting into conflict with each other.
In addition to Split being a nice place, I also decided that it was time for a proper shower and a little bit of social life, so I stayed in town that night, in a very recommendable hostel, named Croparadise (green). Croparadise was good, and its customers were lovely. I met an American Lady, a guy from Split called Mustafa and three friends from Slovenia, Jan and two babes. With Mustafa and the latter I spend the whole evening. We sat on the balcony and talked until the clock had passed four in the morning. Mustafa is a sailor, has seen most of the world (including Norway, Germany and Madagascar), and had plenty of stories and experiences to tell us about. Jan and the girls study in Ljubljana, and went home the following day.
Mustafa |
Now I am in Mostar, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from here I’ll go via Kotor in Montenegro to Albania. What I look forward to in Albania is that there are much less tourist, and a better country for freelance-campers like me. Croatia is NOT a good country for freelance-campers. One thing is that freelance-camping is forbidden, the other is that (at least along the coast) everywhere is so full of people and towns, that finding a beautiful place where there in addition are no people is next to impossible. Once I was driven away by the police, but that was in Slovenia, and the policeman was very nice and didn’t even fine me, so I was lucky at that occasion.
Alja (one of Jans girls) and me on the balcony of Croparadise |
P.S: This was written before I actually got to Mostar. Now, after I have seen it, I must add it as another Highlight. A Picture from here might come with the next post.
Fat Old Sun |
Korcula |
My bedroom |
Stonepreacherman in Split |
Telegraph road |
Dette ser bra ut Hans. No er det verkeleg ikkje lenge til me sjåast! Det ser ut til at framdrikta di passar godt med treffet vårt i Burgas. Det blir bra! Eg skal prøve å hjelpe deg med å dra ned tempoet når eg kjem. Håper du likar deg i Montenegro. Det verkar som eit interessant land tykkjer eg. Køyrar du inni landet eller langs kysten? Korleis er temperatuarne der sør? Her heime er det ganske mildt men regn, og til helga skulle det visst bli opp mot 20 grader..! No sit eg her på biblioteket på skulen og kosar meg medan lommepengane til turen trillar inn :-) Eg gler meg Hans! Ha det fint sålenge. Eg ber for deg og ekspedisjonen! Klem frå Trygve
SvarSlettMilay be mihitsy!!!
SvarSlettIo Elefanta e! Hoy Markus
Det virker som et rikitg fint eventyr du er på :)
SvarSlettLikte senga di Hans :) den ser god ut :)
SvarSlettKjekkt å lesa bloggen din!
Ja, Trygve. det nermer seg. Fremdriften min har blitt litt redusert de siste dagene grunnet bilproblem, så jeg må droppe sør-Albania, men tenker at jeg skal rekke Burgas fint. Montenegro var bare WOW. Kommer mer om det på bloggen.
SvarSlettVV: Mampamangy hoe Elefanta
Barbra: Jepp
Knut: Nei jeg skal ikke klage. Jeg sover godt. Trygve ville ikke sovet godt. Man burde ikke være lengre enn meg for sengen, men nå er jeg ikke lengre en meg heller=)