On the Blutkuppe |
Landscape |
Windhoek 19.04.12
Finally comes the last post from Namibia. I have been here for one and a half months now, and start to feel quite at home. Still it is time to move on. This week has been further repeat from the 2010 trip, and after all, Africa still holds so many things that I have not seen before, so I better get out there.
On our way from Swakopmund to Windhoek, Mparany and I passed the moon-landscape, a gigantic Welwitschia and climbed a huge rock/small mountain named Blutkuppe in the Namib-Naukluft National-Park (NNNP). We picked up Daddy one hour late at the airport on the 15th, and went straight west again to visit the most famous part of the NNNP, Sossusvlei. Sossusvlei is famous for its red sand-dunes. Entering early morning we got some beautiful pictures of some of them, did the obligatory climb to the first top of dune 45 (one of the highest sand-dunes in the world) and visited dead-vlei.
For me presumably the nicest things this week were the drives and the camping. Namibia has so many beautiful small gravel-roads, and the landscape is at times absolutely stunning. We were lucky with our pick of roads especially to and back from Sussusvlei. We also had some decent camping-spots. Even if you have to camp near to the road in Namibia because everything is fenced it does not have to be busy if you pick the right roads. With Mparany I had a camp in a riverbed where not a single car (or anything else) passed from the time we came there in the evening until we left the following morning.
Today Daddy and I drove Mparany to the airport. He is heading back to Norway, while Daddy stays with me for the remaining two weeks and some days. The two of us will head for Botswana having the Okivango-Delta as our first destination. After that we’ll see where the road leads us. Maybe to Chobe, maybe straight towards Gabarone and on to South-Africa (ZA). I’m not really looking forward to the last days in Durban doing the shipping, but this is not the time to worry about that.
On Saturday the only side of the moon you’ll see is the dark side.
Dunes |
Sossusvlei |
Christuskirche |
Emptiness |
A 1500 years old Welwitschia |
Fantastisk, Hans. Det er artig å tenkja på at eit gløymd land som Namibia har nok å by på til å vera der fleire månader - kanskje år. Det er då ein finn ut at ein aldri blir ferdig med å reisa.
SvarSlettDu må helsa mykje til far din frå meg, og kos dåke vidare.
Ps! Eg trudde dune 45 var verdas høgaste sanddyne då eg og du var der i 2010. Har det vore heftig vind der sidan sist, kanskje?
Roger: Naja, det kommer sikkert litt an på hva som regnes som en sanddyne og slikt. Det er i alle fall en av de høyeste.
SvarSlettNamibia har nye å by på ja. Kos til Köln
Ahoana ty be volom-bava be ty ry zandry a! Fa mahafinaritra kosa ny aventure-nla zany a:)
SvarSlettImponerande! Tidenes tur du er ute på HC! Ser ut til å vere utruleg flott i Namibia.
SvarSlettHa ein god tur vidare!
PS. Objektivet ligg i Gjøas-vei:)
Tsiky: Sao letsy. Mlay ny aventure ka.
SvarSlettHaaland: Flotters Du skal få pengene når jeg ligger i Gjøas=)
Jada. Me tar det når du er vel tilbake i Noreg og har fått objektivet. Null stress det :) God tur videre!
SvarSlettJeg vil bli din kjæreste
SvarSlettHaha, sweet