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15.03.2011 Ongwediva, Namibia
One week without moving is a new record. In Giseniy, we could at least go on day trips, but this week, Wombosi has not moved a millimeter. I have been lazy myself and have not moved too much either. It’s not been that bad though. I’ve met lovely people here, so I’ve been offered house and bed from several different people. I have said no to all of them, because I don’t want to leave Wombosi alone, and he simply cannot move with only three tires.
Half my days I’ve spend in the tourist-information-office. It’s run by an incredibly friendly and helpful man, so I’ve been able to use internet and electricity here and even got myself a hot shower. To have internet has given me the opportunity to catch up with my friends a bit, so there has been some skyping and some mailing.
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The rest of the time has been filled with reading, playing the guitar, taking pictures and talking to the folks around here. Due to the lack of spectacular photo-motives, I’ve chosen to do some more artistic shots this week.
I've used a small part of my time as a street musician. Income was not to high, but people seemed very happy about it, and had fun.
Today I would have a lot of space to elaborate on some strange philosophy or African mind-set, but I can’t think of anything, so you’ll have to figure out something for yourself.
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Når venter du å ha bilen klar for nye eventyr?
SvarSlettOm dei ikkje får delen du treng på plass snart, så er jo alltids dette eit alternativ:
Jetzt bin ich in Oslo und krieg sogar den Blog auf! Die Reise war ziemlich abeteuerlich mit Chaos in Frankfurt, aber am Ende ging alles gut. Die Kinder sind ganz lieb! Wann ist Wombosi wieder gesund? Mparany wird ja bald kommen.Ich freu mich auch schon auf die Tour nach Namibia.
SvarSlettHaaland and Daddy: Wombosi is supposed to be finished today. The reparation itself should not take more than twenty minutes, but the part needs to come. It was in Windhoek yesterday, so I really think and hope that i'll be off during the day (Friday).
SvarSlettLukke til! Håper du kjem deg vidare i løpet av dagen, slik at du slepp å venta til over helga. God tur vidare!
SvarSlettPS. Sjå på Facebook for sommarjobb!
Wunderschöne Fotos und ein toller Reisebericht. Sehe , Du bist ja fast schon am Ende deiner Reise angelangt. Wann geht es denn hinüber nach Madagaskar und hält Dein Auto noch durch?
SvarSlettWünsche Dir und Vater Klaus eine schöne gemeinsame Zeit in Namibia.
Peter aus Fürth