Fabulous camping spot |
Thunderstorm |
Lilongwe 24.02.2012
And suddenly I’m all alone again. The last week has gone extremely fast. We’ve had many kilometers to do, so it’s mainly been driving. Initially we wanted to go west through Tanzania, but we soon figured, that way might not be too passable in the rainy season, so in the end we decided for the long way around, getting all the way east to Morongoro.
One of the pleasant things with this decision was that we had some more time with Jeremy, who unexpectedly caught up with us at the border between Rwanda and Tanzania. Things had not worked out for him in Gisenyi. We split in Morongoro, after having witnessed a beautiful evening light with thunderstorm all around us, and the following night, a thunderstorm with hail of several cm. diameter. It’s beautiful, but not always practical when all gavel-roads turn into mud, and your tent is wet every morning.
From Morongoro we went via Iringa to the Kitulo NP. We were a bit annoyed by the pricing-system, where you pay 20 USD for 24 hours in the park, but camping is 30 USD, so effectively you pay 50 USD for 24 hours, or as we did camp outside, and only spend the day (fee is for single entry, so they really make life hard for you). Kitulo is not the typical NP with game and the likes. It offers good trekking-opportunities, and now in the rainy-season it is supposed to be bursting with flowers. We saw some flowers, but not the colored fields we had hoped for. The area is nice though, but overpriced.
The last two days we spend in Malawi. We had one afternoon at the lake, with was lovely. The beach is nice, like in Gisenyi, but the water is much warmer, and more pleasant to lie in. If you avoid being eaten by a crocodile or crunched by a Hippo, you’ll have a good time.
Wombosi has been a good boy, staying strong, now when we could not afford much time-loss. Roger has naturally also been a good boy. We’ve managed to spend almost two intense months together without any fighting. For him the highlights were being in South-Sudan, meeting Ekke and climbing an active volcano in Congo. We (Wombosi and I) will miss him a bit. Usually I am glad to be on my own again, because a (short) visit “disturbs” the routines you have, but after such a long time I guess we’d made different routines. Still it’s going to be good to be in solitude.
Ahead lays Zambia. I’m going to take it slowly, fuel being a big expense, so doing 300-500 km every day, like the last week, is not in the budget. Zambia has not much to offer except for NPs though, and those I’ve done, and will do with Daddy and Mparany, so the Victoria-Falls will make the next highlight. I will just go slowly and live the overlander’s life.
Next week;)
Rocky landscape |
Jeremy with proof of hail |
Cool 1 |
Cool 2 |
In Kitulo NP |
Orchids |
Roger enjoys the view |
Bookends |
Sunset over Kitulo |
Takk igjen for tilstandsrapporten :-) Utruleg flotte bilete du tek Hans. Det dirrar inni meg av reiselyst når eg ser og les korleis du og dine kompanjongar har det! Håpar alt ordnar seg for deg vidare på turen og at du nyt det til fulle. Det unnar eg deg :-) Dersom du har lyst+høve til å skypa ei gong hadde det vore veldig stas. På onsdag fer eg heim på vinterferie for veka. Det blir digg. Ellers er det vel ikkje veldig mykje nytt anna enn at eg blir i Bergen to år til og at eg vurderar kjøp av bupel med utleigemoglegheitar. Men me får sjå kva planar Gud har. Alt mitt er jo eigentleg hans, så vil tida visa om/kva han vil investera i..
SvarSlettKlem frå din ven,
Kjekt å høyre at de framleis har det bra! Håper du er klar for ein recap av heile turen til sommaren! Det ser eg i så fall veldig fram til! God tur vidare, både til deg HC, og til unge Drange.
SvarSlettTrygve: Takk. Skype hadde vært konge en dag. Som regel begrenser Afrika's internett mulighetene veldig, og nå har jeg ikke telefon til å avtale på sms en gang (da jeg ikke får nettverkstilgang her i Zambia), men hvis muligheten byr seg skal jeg prøve å få tak ti deg. Konge at du blir i Bergen. Jeg skal vel være i Bergen selv, fra ca. Mai til neste vår, så vi får se hva som skjer. Å returnere til Gjøas virker ganske uaktuellt på dette tidspunkt, men vi får se. Klem.
SvarSlettHaaland: Recap skal la seg ordne! Jeg har det bra. Unge Drange må du nesten spørre selv. Jeg òg er spent på om han klarer seg alene.